Monday, September 28, 2009

Aion Ranger Sig

So my boyfriend plays Aion as well, and there is a cute emote in the game where you cheer and pull out pom poms (/cheer as it were) and well when I seen him to this I had to make him a sig out of it.

The fact that he is going for pink armor was just a plus :P

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Aion Sig

So I started playing Aion to see what it was like, and decided to make my little cleric a signature.

Not sure how well I like it.. I am WAY rusty at making them but meh - I have to get practice somehow right?

And I decided I wanted to add a little something to it so here is the revised version

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Shadow Priest Sig

So I been working on a sig for a WoW friend, and I came up with this for my first idea. I am waiting to see if he likes it. He chose the colors.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Car Mirrors

So I was picking up my son from school today and was sitting in the car staring out of my rear view and side view mirrors of my car and I got to thinking....

Why do objects in your side view mirror *appear* farther away then what they *actually are*?

Do they WANT us to get into wrecks while we are switching lanes, thinking "that car is farther back, its safe to switch lanes now"?

Here is what the text says on my side view mirror *Objects are closer then they appear*.

I just don't get why they cant make a mirror that shows us a more precise view of what we need to see.

My Favorites

So this was asked of me in a goodreads group that I am in and I thought it was neat so here it is!

My favorites

1. Food: Spaghetti with melted cheese (omg this is the best dish EVER!! Ya it sounds gross but really ladies it's not!)
2. Non-alcoholic beverage: Sweet Tea. I cannot live without it!
3. Alcoholic beverage: Hmm it's called a Banana Split that Dave and Busters serves.
4. Band/singer: This is the hardest one to answer because it varies on my mood. Like right now I would say Linkin Park because I can listen to *New Divide* over and over and not get tired of it.
5. Actor: Johnny Depp
6. Season: Winter
7. Terrain: Grassy Areas
8. Car: 63 Split Window Corvette
9. Animal: Horse
10. Activity: Playing my online game (then reading)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Free Books!

I love the chance at free books! Don't you? (Well you should! harumph!)

Here is a chance to win "Catching Fire" ,the second book in The Hunger Games series.

Just click on this link below to find out how!